Tag Archives: bees

12. Yellow Boots

girl in bright
yellow rain boots
pilots her scooter
over cracked uneven
concrete, with all
the guileless skill
and grace of swallows
chasing twilight over
waves of wind-tossed grass

the variegated fashions
of this striding
peacock crowd
are nothing set against
a farmer’s field, riotous
with dandelions,
chicory, and the
buzzing symphony
of bees

– T.H.

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Filed under National Poetry Month 2014

Birds, Bees, Flowers & Things

We let our backyard go a bit wild this year (life got ahead of us, in more ways than one), but the flowers and pond plants seem to be happier than ever. We have a ton of bees this year, which is heartening to see, given how hard up bees are world-wide lately. You can see one of them (if you look closely) in the second picture down. (Click for hi-rez)

Purple flowers in sunbeam

Purple flowers - with visitor

Coneflower (Echinacea) and False Sunflowers

Pond Lillies - August 2013

Backyard Pond 2013

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