Robin Ward playing Lady Iveah (T. Connellan) and The Hawke of Baayshannon (T. O’Carolan), on the clarsach (traditional wire harp).
Tag Archives: clarsach
Spring is in the air…
Another harpist enjoying the outdoors. This rendition of the Chanter’s song comes to us from Josephine on the Isle of Skye, playing a Seiriol harp.
Sorry the posts have been infrequent lately; been caught up with yard and garden prep while the sun shines. It’s spring here in Southern Ontario, which means the weather is even more fickle than usual, but still oh so tempting to be outside, away from all infernal machines.
Cynthia Cathcart on Wire Harp: New Claret Duet
This piece can be found on Cynthia’s CD ‘Alchemy of a Rose’ (which I highly recommend). Not only is Cynthia an extremely accomplished wire harp player, she has also put out several excellent method & repertoire books for wire harp. You can visit her website at
Heartland Harps & Ann Haymann’s “Planxty Cruit”
No, this isn’t an endorsement of Heartland Harps (although I would love to have one of my own, if space and finances weren’t so tight). It is, however, a lovely rendition of Planxty Cruit on wire harp performed by Ann Haymann. And they are very pretty harps. Maybe it will inspire you to come up with some Celtic decorations of your own!